Progressive Permitting Reform
transmission lines

Progressive Permitting Reform

Transitioning to Just, Clean Energy Without Sacrificing Our Communities or Planet

Senator Joe Manchin’s at it again with a new Dirty Deal. The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 is gaining traction on the Hill and Big Oil is thrilled about it. This bill could gut bedrock environmental protections and add even more pollution to already overburdened frontline neighborhoods. 

The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 hides behind the guise of expediting renewable energy projects while actually doubling and tripling down on fossil fuel dependence. In other words, Manchin is once again prioritizing polluter profits over people.

Instead of supporting this fundamentally flawed legislation, it’s time for Congress to move forward with real permitting reform that will justly transition us away from dirty fossil fuels toward sustainable renewable energy. Our leaders must reject any and all dirty deals and instead fight for policies that solve problems while promoting environmental justice.