Resources Archive


Netanyahu public letter

We are sincerely disappointed in your decision to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress.

Letter to EXIM on Trafigura

We urge EXIM to publicly end all its support for Trafigura and to permanently debar the company from future EXIM support.

Cultivating Conflict: How Astra Agro Lestari, Brands, and Big Finance Capitalize on Indonesia’s Governance Gaps

Cultivating Conflict details how land conflicts and a lack of accountability enables palm oil company AAL’s controversial operations.

Still Misguided: The US continues to support oil & gas projects at the World Bank Group

The World Bank Group has continued to support fossil fuel projects across the globe with the support of the United States.

Flame Wars: Misinformation and Wildfire in Canada’s Climate Conversation

The climate disinformation trends in the U.S. that are blocking climate policy are clearly being echoed in Canada.

Making a Bad Situation Worse: Manure Digesters at Mega Dairies in Wisconsin

The report documents the harmful community impacts associated with the rapid growth of anaerobic digesters in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.

FOIA Response: Recommendations from EXIM Climate Council

Response to FOIA filed by Friends of the Earth US -- email outlining recommendations from EXIM Climate Council.

2023 Annual Report

Read all about the wins that Friends of the Earth achieved in 2023, all thanks to the support of our powerful membership base.

EXIM Bank critical minerals comments

The civil society and Indigenous-led organizations below respond to EXIM’s request for information to assist the United States Export-Import Bank (EXIM) in supporting critical minerals projects.

Public Enemies: Assessing MDB & G20 International Finance Institutions’ Energy Finance

Significant continued fossil fuel support by a handful of countries is blocking a globally just and equitable transition to clean energy.