Impact Stories Archive


Holding the California Oil Industry Accountable

These three bills will better protect communities facing the hazards of fossil fuel extraction and ramp up the pressure for oil companies. Read More

Fighting for Corporate Accountability

It is critical that investors — and the general public — understands how companies’ activities may be contributing to climate change, what the climate financial risk of their business is, and whether they have plans for transitioning to a low-carbon economy. Read More

Cutting Fossil Fuel Financing

Fossil fuel financing from those signers is falling drastically, and most signatories have either eliminated or considerably reduced fossil fuel financing. Read More

Stopping a Geoengineering Project in Cape Cod

Sodium hydroxide is a dangerous, caustic chemical that causes chemical burns on contact with skin, and would be dumped into waters frequented by at least eight endangered species. Read More

Fighting for Gulf Species

The court’s decision is a huge victory for groups’ ongoing efforts to protect the Gulf’s vulnerable species, especially the Rice’s whale. Read More

Restoring Our Bedrock Environmental Law after Trump-era Rollbacks

No matter who is in the White House, we are committed to ensuring that federal projects are not destroying the environment and the livelihoods of frontline communities. Read More

Conserving California’s Open Spaces

Creating national monuments means preserving clean air and water, protecting species, offering recreational opportunities for local communities, and upholding sacred sites. Read More

Stopping Pebble Mine and Saving Alaska’s Wild Salmon

A years-long battle over a proposed mine in Alaska ended when a coalition that included Friends of the Earth successfully pushed the US Army Corps of Engineers to deny Pebble Mine a permit to operate in Bristol Bay, killing the project! Read More

Pausing LNG Exports

We joined over 300 organizations from over 40 countries across the globe in a letter calling on the Biden administration to abandon its support for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) at COP28. Read More

Standing Up for Polar Bears

The agency’s regulation gave oil and gas companies in Alaska a pass to harass polar bears along the Beaufort Sea coast and on the North Slope. Read More