Food & Agriculture
We work to rapidly transition our food system to one that is sustainable, healthy, and just. For decades, United States food and farming policy, corporate power and agricultural science have been directed toward a narrow goal: producing as many calories as possible as cheaply as possible. The confluence of these forces has created a powerful river of toxic, energy-intensive factory farming. We are eroding public health, worker safety, local economies, animal welfare, and the resilience of the ecosystems we depend on. Solutions are available — if policymakers, people and businesses make vitally needed changes. We must farm in a way that protects the health of people and the planet. We seek three fundamental shifts in our food system: from toxic and chemical intensive to healthy and ecologically regenerative; from corporate controlled to democratically governed; and from a system that embodies the deepest inequities in our society to one that advances justice and fulfills the needs of all eaters now and in the future.-
Food & Agriculture Tell Target to stop selling food grown with toxic pesticides!TAKE ACTION
Food & Agriculture Tell Lowe’s and Home Depot: Stop selling bee-killing RoundupTAKE ACTION
Mientras México responde hoy al fallo del panel de disputas comerciales de que sus restricciones al maíz transgénico violan el acuerdo comercial entre Estados Unidos, México y Canadá.
Mexico has ample cause for concern about the safety of GMO corn given the population’s large daily consumption of minimally processed corn products such as tortillas.
A final ruling in the trade dispute between the U.S. and Mexico over GMO corn finds that Mexico failed to adhere to some steps required by the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement.
Our advocacy made it crystal clear: People do not want to eat GE salmon and there is no place for this or other GE animals on the market.
The judge said it best — science shows that GE technology is harmful. Thanks to this court case, the basic oversight needed to protect us has been restored.
California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) now has a binding agreement to propose regulations for treated seeds, and they’re forced to enact a swift timeline for final action.
Voluntary carbon markets are defined as carbon markets where companies aren’t required to lower emissions but choose to buy carbon offsets.
As world leaders meet tomorrow in Paris to discuss the role of public finance in addressing “climate change and the global crisis”, delegates should press multilateral development banks (MDBs) to invest in line with the Paris Agreement
Bee populations are in decline, in part because of habitat loss and destruction. Find out more about why it’s happening and the impacts.
Industrial Livestock Production: Climate-Related Financial Risks
2024 Retailer Scorecard
Economic Risks of Pesticides