Friends of the Earth statement on West Virginia v EPA

Friends of the Earth statement on West Virginia v EPA

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court issued a decision today in West Virginia v EPA that drastically curtails EPA’s ability to respond to the climate crisis by reducing carbon pollution from power plants. The ruling narrowly defines EPA’s authority under the Clean Air Act to regulate polluting emissions and could have broader implications on the federal government’s ability to act in the public interest. 

Hallie Templeton, Legal Director for Friends of the Earth, issued the following statement: 

The Court’s kneecapping of EPA’s ability to tackle carbon pollution and protect public health is nothing short of disastrous for communities and the planet.  

The conservative supermajority is also emboldening others to stop the federal government from tackling other vital issues, such as food safety and worker protections.  

Nevertheless, the Administration should fulfill its duty and issue strong rules regulating carbon pollution. And we call upon Congress to end the filibuster and pass legislation that restores independence and justice in our country’s highest court.  

Communications contact: Erika Seiber, [email protected], 865-255-7912

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