SCOTUS Overturns Chevron Deference

Friends of the Earth Responds to Supreme Court Overturning Chevron Deference

Washington DC – Today the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion that wipes the longstanding legal principle of Chevron deference off the books. This policy– created by the U.S. Supreme Court 40 years ago – has deferred to federal agencies’ discretion and expertise in regulating our country. Today’s opinion turns that principle on its head, allowing federal judges, rather than administrative experts, to determine whether and how an agency can interpret and implement the law.

Friends of the Earth’s Legal Director, Hallie Templeton, issued the following statement in response:

Today’s reprehensible decision throws out 40 years of principle and opens the door for corporations to more easily challenge basic and essential protections for clean air, clean water, our environment and much more.

We are horrified to see such power grabbing by the branch of our government that is meant to be non-biased and non-partisan. But given the deeply conservative majority in our Supreme Court, and the recent flurry of decisions split along ideological lines, we were not surprised by today’s opinion. One thing remains clear: we are resilient and will continue our work toward a more healthy and just world. While our mission is steadfast, our strategy to get there is both nimble and pliable.

Press contact: Shaye Skiff, [email protected]

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