Attack on Clean Air Act Fails in Senate
For Immediate Release
Kim Huynh, [email protected], 202-222-0723
Nick Berning, [email protected], 202-222-0748
Senate’s Rejection of Murkowski Attack on Clean Air Act Is a Major Victory for the Climate
Most senators vote to protect our economy from climate disruption, though a significant minority side with BP and corporate polluters
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Senate voted by a margin of 47 to 53 today to reject a resolution sponsored by Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) that sought to roll back the Clean Air Act’s protections against pollution that destabilizes our climate. Friends of the Earth President Erich Pica had the following response:
“Today’s vote is a blow to corporate polluters, one that will move our nation away from the fossil fuel dependence that led to the oil spill in the Gulf. The defeat of this resolution means the Obama administration can implement a law that helps to protect our economy from the impacts that are likely to come if our atmosphere is overloaded with climate pollution.
“There is one key reason that most senators voted to protect the Clean Air Act today. Citizens across the country—including more than 30,000 Friends of the Earth members and activists—mobilized when they learned that this landmark legislation was under attack. This victory is an empowering one, and we should heed its lesson that active citizenship can yield important victories for the planet and the public interest.
“But we must not be complacent. Corporate polluters continue to wield incredible influence in Washington—just look at how government officials cozy with BP okayed the oil giant’s dangerous drilling in the Gulf. In addition, congressional attacks on the Clean Air Act are not finished. One prominent energy bill still being considered in the Senate would roll back important Clean Air Act protections.
“Our fights for a Washington free of polluter influence and for a healthy climate are far from over, but it nevertheless feels good to relish this victory. We thank all of the senators who stood up and opposed this measure.”
For more information on the Clean Air Act and climate change, visit /cleanairactresources.