Trump vision prioritizes corporate giveaways
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Donald Trump is scheduled to release his budget and his infrastructure bill. Together with the corporate tax cuts he signed into law last year, these documents are a clear illustration of Trump’s priorities. Like last year, his budget is expected to gut funding for environmental protection, decimating our ability to protect safe water and ensure clean air. A leaked draft of his infrastructure plans calls for a rollback of environmental laws and a sell-off of public lands to speed the construction of more fossil fuel projects.
Ben Schreiber, Friends of the Earth’s Senior Political Strategist, offered the following in response to Trump’s proposed budget:
Today Donald Trump proudly announced that his priority is to push a massive transfer of wealth from working Americans to corporate polluters. This is a budget that only a corporate polluter can love.
Eviscerating the budgets for the Environmental Protection Agency condemns millions of Americans to dirty water, unbreathable air, and the devastating impacts of climate change. Trump’s vision is rising sea levels and natural disasters that will cause famine, poverty, disease and death. With this budget, Trump has made it clear that he is prioritizing Big Oil profits over the health of the American people.
Similarly, Trump’s infrastructure plan is nothing more than a scam to roll back environmental and health protections. It will allow his administration to unilaterally build pipelines across our national parks and sell-off our public lands to oil and coal companies. This comes as no surprise from an administration that gutted Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante and opened huge swaths of our land and oceans to mining and drilling.
Friends of the Earth is committed to resisting Trump and his push for corporate dominance of America.
Expert Contact: Ben Schreiber, (202) 222-0752, [email protected]
Communications Contact: Erin Jensen, (202) 222-0722, [email protected]