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How Cruise Ships Impact Orcas
How Cruise Ships Impact Orcas

Orcas face extreme stressors from polluting cruise ships which is pushing them further to the brink of extinction.

Green Alternatives to Cruising
Green Alternatives to Cruising

Consider these green alternative to cruising tips to ensure you have the vacation you’ve always envisioned while helping protect the planet.

Fighting to Win: How an Indonesian Land Defender Stood up to Conflict Palm Oil
Fighting to Win: How an Indonesian Land Defender Stood up to Conflict Palm Oil

As industrial agribusiness razes the world’s last standing forests and accelerate the climate crisis, land defenders are fighting back.

What Can I Do to Help the Bees?
What Can I Do to Help the Bees?

Looking for ways to help bees survive? Check out these actions you can take from home to protect our vital pollinators.

Are Bees Really Disappearing?
Are Bees Really Disappearing?

Bee populations are declining year after year, disappearing in front of our eyes. Learn which bees are most at risk & how you can help

Cruise Ships and Port Communities
Cruise Ships and Port Communities

The industry sadly is known for its pollution — not just in deep ocean waters, but while sitting at the dock in port communities.

Cruise Ship Pollution Effects on Marine Life
Cruise Ship Pollution Effects on Marine Life

The cruise industry is a gigantic, multibillion-dollar industry. Since these aquatic vessels arrival on the scenes in the early 1900s, cruise ships were considered a symbol of luxury. They were the epitome of the high and glamorous life. In the 1960s, the “modern-day” cruise began to take shape. It turned away from the Trans-Atlantic ships that immersed visitors in luxury and began offering a more casual experience for all income levels, with destinations including Mexico…

Solutions to Cruise Ship Pollution
Solutions to Cruise Ship Pollution

The cruise industry is a big business - a big billion-dollar business! Millions of people take to the seas year after year, and the number of tourists is expected to continue to rise. Unfortunately, as the cruise industry grows, so does the impact it has on the environment. Cruise ships are full of pollutants. Their emissions fill the air. Their waste fills the water. And their noise disrupts wildlife. 

The health of our oceans, coastal…

Monarchs and Milkweed
Monarchs and Milkweed

Without milkweed, monarch butterflies would cease to exist. Unfortunately it is in short supply, which is leading to the decline of these colorful creatures.

Why Are Monarch Butterflies Important
Why Are Monarch Butterflies Important

The loss of milkweed plants, winter habitat, and climate change are all pushing monarchs to the brink. The monarch butterfly is now a candidate to be listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act