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One Disaster After Another: Will EXIM Chairman Reed Ever Learn?
One Disaster After Another: Will EXIM Chairman Reed Ever Learn?

EXIM continues to invest in projects with severe environmental impacts, human rights abuses, and detrimental effects on local communities and public health.

Honoring Cecil Corbin-Mark
Honoring Cecil Corbin-Mark

He guided me and our board to more deeply understand Friends of the Earth’s potential in fighting for justice, holding us accountable to the commitments we made to each other and the planet.

Today is Indigenous Peoples Day. Where is the finance sector?
Today is Indigenous Peoples Day. Where is the finance sector?

Let’s be clear: all exploitation of resources by our industrial society depends on exploitation of the people within whose lands and territories those resources lie.

The beginning of the end of fossil fuels
The beginning of the end of fossil fuels

This victory shows that the fossil fuel industry is in its last gasps, clinging  to anything to remain viable.

Are bees endangered? Help save our pollinators from extinction
Are bees endangered? Help save our pollinators from extinction

The Western Bumblebee is facing rapid population declines. Their situation is urgent. Help avert the extinction of these essential creatures.

Only 29,000 western monarch butterflies were found in California this year – down from millions.
Only 29,000 western monarch butterflies were found in California this year – down from millions.

The numbers are in. Only 29,000 western monarch butterflies were found in California this year – down from millions. Help Friends of the Earth protect pollinators.

Cruise Industry Restart Demands
Cruise Industry Restart Demands

With the industry almost completely halted due to the COVID-19 crisis, Friends of the Earth sets out the following demands before the cruise industry should resume its operations in the United States.

What would a clean cruising industry look like?
What would a clean cruising industry look like?

In order to have clean cruising, we need the cruise industry to stop contributing to the climate crisis, polluting our air and water, destroying marine ecology, oceans, beaches and coral reefs with waste, and hiding their emissions.

Climate, Clicks, Capitalism, and Conspiracists
Climate, Clicks, Capitalism, and Conspiracists

QAnon, where researchers have noted an accelerated increase in membership throughout the pandemic, has become a mega-conspiracy, absorbing multiple political and cultural online conversations in the process.

Facebook serves up loopholes and special protection for climate deniers
Facebook serves up loopholes and special protection for climate deniers

Facebook provides a loophole for climate change deniers by often exempting opinion pieces from its fact-checking program.