Canceling a Natural Gas Pipeline - Friends of the Earth

Canceling a Natural Gas Pipeline

Canceling a Natural Gas Pipeline

The Jordan Cove Energy Project was a proposed 229-mile pipeline that would transport fracked gas from Canada to be exported as  LNG (liquified natural gas) to Coos Bay in Oregon. The pipeline would have devastated forests, watersheds and tribal lands along the route. With this level of risk, community members were outraged and worked hard to oppose the proposed pipeline.

Thankfully, our concerns were heard and Pembina, the Canadian energy giant, announced that the pipeline proposal had been withdrawn!

This would not have been possible without the tireless work of community members and activists who fiercely opposed the project. For example, some of Friends of the Earth’s very own volunteers visited Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio (D-04)  and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) to voice their concerns of the environmental harm that the Jordan Cove project would have. And, thanks to mounting grassroots pressure, DeFazio joined several other public officials to formally oppose the LNG facility.

Friends of the Earth members got involved in various other ways, participating in the Climate Strike Week of Action. In Oregon, protestors rallied in opposition of the proposed Jordan Cove project. The various actions taken against the project drew in 500 volunteer signups! We also compiled 25,000 of our members’ signatures opposing the project and sent them to elected officials.

Thank you to our members for being part of a series of cancellations of pipeline projects that would bring harm to our planet. This is just one example of how powerful we can be when we band together to protect the health of people and our planet! 

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