Impact Stories Archive • Page 2 of 7


Tackling the Spread of Disinformation

Every other industry — from food production to car manufacturers to airlines — has to report about the safety of its products. So why should tech companies be any different? Read More

Protecting Endangered Species

This win for the lesser-prairie chicken & the northern long-eared bat shows our commitment to protecting species and standing up to Big Oil. Read More

Preserving Our Public Lands

Preserving public lands and waters protects precious history and the livelihoods of so many, especially Indigenous communities. Read More

Blocking Joe Manchin’s Dirty Deal

We are sure Manchin will continue to try and sneak this bill into legislation — but we’re not backing down from this fight. We will not rest until this bill gets a separate vote in Congress and dies for good. Read More

Holding Multinational Corporations Accountable

Getting six major multinationals to stand up and take action is no small thing, but there is still work to be done. Read More

Protecting Arctic Communities & Wildlife

This is yet another blow to efforts to drill in the protected wilderness that means so much to local communities and creatures. Read More

Fighting Climate Disinformation

It’s hard enough to make strides when it comes to climate action. Green-lighting blatant lies about the scale of the climate crisis cannot continue Read More

Protecting Miami Communities

For 40 years, Turkey Point has been contaminating the Biscayne aquifer — the source of most of the drinking water used in South Florida. Read More

Protecting the Amazon from Rampant Deforestation

Studies suggest that cattle ranching and animal feed production is currently responsible for 80% of deforestation across the Latin America and Caribbean region. Read More

Fighting for the Gulf in Court

Despite promising to be a climate leader, Biden approved 34% more oil and gas permits in his first year than Donald Trump did in his first year. Read More