Impact Stories Archive • Page 3 of 7


Protecting our Food from Toxic Pesticides

For far too long, we’ve been exposed to a neurotoxic pesticide called chlorpyrifos, despite decades of science clearly linking this pesticide to brain damage in children. Read More

Saving a National Forest

More than 111,000 Friends of the Earth members demanded that the Forest Service permanently protect our National Forests from corporations Read More

Canceling a Natural Gas Pipeline

Thank you to our members for being part of a series of cancellations of pipeline projects that would bring harm to our planet. Read More

Protecting our Public Lands

As we continue our fight in preventing oil & gas exploitation of our public lands, we thank our members for helping us right this wrong! Read More

Protecting Salmon in Alaska’s Bristol Bay

This victory wouldn’t have been possible without the tireless advocacy of Friends of the Earth and our allies in Bristol Bay and beyond. Read More

Killing the Keystone XL Pipeline

After over a decade of grassroots opposition and legal hurdles, the Keystone XL pipeline has finally met its demise. Read More

Stopping Fossil Fuel Drilling of Public Lands and Waters

Along with nearly 600 other groups, we urged Biden to make good on his campaign promise and issue an executive order to halt new fossil fuel leasing as part of his climate agenda. Read More

Tackling Air Pollution in Coastal Communities

Friends of the Earth’s oceans team is focused on safeguarding public health and our oceans by calling for shore power — a technology that connects docked ocean vessels to the electric grid, allowing ships to turn off their diesel engines when not at sea. Read More

Protecting the Arctic from Drilling

When Donald Trump approved an offshore drilling project off the coast of Alaska in 2018, Friends of the Earth jumped into action. Represented by Earthjustice, we brought a lawsuit in federal court with four other environmental organizations to challenge the project’s approval. And, two years later, we won. Read More

Fighting for Corporate Responsibility

After years of pressure from environmental activists, Proctor & Gamble shareholders took a vital step towards protecting our forests. Read More