Impact Stories Archive • Page 5 of 7


Shutting Down Diablo Canyon

For 40 years, Friends of the Earth has been a leading voice in the U.S. in opposing nuclear reactors. In the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster, it is clear that there can and must be a thorough debate on our energy future and the need to move beyond this dangerous and dirty technology to the clean renewable energy and efficiency technologies of the 21st century. Read More

Saving California’s Coastline

Hundreds of Friends of the Earth members called their state legislators, urging them to support these important bills, and we went to Sacramento to march and voice our strong opposition to Zinke’s plan. Read More

Halting a Pipeline in its Tracks

Organizations like Friends of the Earth US—and our international partners at Friends of the Earth Canada—called attention to this project’s dangerous consequences since it was first announced. Read More

Stopping Scott Pruitt

Scott Pruitt’s corruption finally caught up with him. After months of mounting scandals about his cronyism, ethical violations and anti-environmental policies, we finally got rid of him thanks to the thousands of Friends of the Earth activists who fought to protect the Environmental Protection Agency. Read More

Cutting Off an Industrial Mine’s Financing

Pebble Mine is a clear environmental disaster—yet its parent company found a financier for the project in First Quantum Minerals. To stop this project, Friends of the Earth has worked to hit them where it hurts: their financial backing. Read More

Moving the Garden Industry Away From Bee-Killing Pesticides

Thanks to Friends of the Earth, three-quarters of the garden industry has moved away from neonics, and many major retailers have committed to stop selling plants and products treated with these bee-killing pesticides. Read More

Keeping Puget Sound Clean

Five years of environmental activism will clean the state’s waterways, protect public health, and boost local economy. This is a major win for both Washington and our planet. Read More

Holding Scott Pruitt Accountable

We’re keeping Scott Pruitt’s name in headlines so none of his misdeeds go unnoticed. We took a creative turn in calling out his unethical actions, posting hundreds of posters across Washington, D.C. that highlighted his blatant corruption and favoritism of Big Oil. Read More

Backing Interior Away from Steep National Park Fee Hike

The idea of pricing millions of Americans out of visiting our beloved spaces is wholly un-American. Zinke’s decision prioritizes the elite over the general public, and further undermines the challenges facing low-income families and individuals. Read More

Banning Industrial Ocean Fish Farming in Washington State

In early March 2018, Washington’s state legislature passed House Bill 2957—a bill that bans all future industrial net pen operations by 2022. This bill should send a message to the aquaculture industry that its time is up. Read More