Lieberman-Warner Advances out of Committee
For Immediate Release
Nick Berning, 202-222-0748
Friends of the Earth President Brent Blackwelder released the following statement in response to the Lieberman-Warner bill’s advancement out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee:
“Federal legislation to reduce global warming pollution is urgently needed, but this bill—in its current form—is not the answer. The bill has two key flaws: its emissions reductions are too weak and it rewards pollution with up to $900 billion in special interest giveaways. We were disappointed that the committee did not follow the lead of several senators, especially Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Hillary Clinton, who offered important amendments to improve the bill. It was also disappointing to see Senator Joe Lieberman go over the top by claiming that a Clinton amendment to reduce the giveaways would ‘kill a lot of companies.’
“Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Barbara Boxer have the power to fix this bill before it comes to the Senate floor, and they should do so.”