Friends of the Earth Welcomes Markey Global Warming Bill

Friends of the Earth Welcomes Markey Global Warming Bill

Nick Berning, 202-783-7400

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Friends of the Earth President Brent Blackwelder responded today to Rep. Edward Markey’s announcement of his global warming bill with the following statement:

“For years, Congressman Markey has been one of the environment’s strongest champions on Capitol Hill. The bill he is announcing today is a strong starting point for debate in the House of Representatives, and we welcome its introduction.

“According to its executive summary, Congressman Markey’s bill sets strong targets for cutting global warming pollution and adheres to the important ‘polluter pays’ principle with a speedy implementation of a 100 percent auction of pollution permits. These qualities make the bill a welcome improvement over other proposals being considered this year. By offering it, Congressman Markey is providing sorely needed environmental leadership in our nation’s capital.

“While we believe it’s a good start, we will also work to strengthen the bill. Its short and long-term emission reduction targets are superior to those in other legislation, but scientists are already calling for even stronger reductions. Additionally, the percentage of offsets allowed under the bill would likely undermine the reduction targets and should be reduced if not removed. We plan to take a closer look and release a more detailed analysis in the coming weeks.”



Friends of the Earth ( is the U.S. voice of the world’s largest grassroots environmental network, with member groups in 70 countries. Since 1969, Friends of the Earth has been at the forefront of high-profile efforts to create a more healthy, just world.