TV Ads Take on ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ in Wake of Spill
For Immediate Release
Scott Baumgartner, [email protected], 202-222-0751
Nick Berning, [email protected], 202-222-0748
Friends of the Earth Responds to Gulf Oil Spill with TV Ad Taking on Palin, Steele and ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’
Ad pressures President Obama to abandon pro-drilling stance, will air in Florida and Virginia
Washington, D.C.—Friends of the Earth released a TV ad today that takes the fight to “drill, baby, drill” sloganeers in the wake of the mounting oil spill catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico.
The 30-second ad, which will air in drilling debate hotspots Florida and Virginia, can be viewed below.
“The oil catastrophe in the Gulf should serve as a wake-up call,” said Friends of the Earth President Erich Pica. “Offshore drilling is inherently dirty and dangerous, and it doesn’t belong in our nation’s energy policy. Unfortunately, instead of acting in the nation’s interest, President Obama has followed the lead of Sarah Palin.”
“From now on, we need an energy policy based on clean solutions, not cheap slogans,” Pica said. “There are all sorts of ways to meet our nation’s energy needs without new drilling. Investments in public transportation, electrified rail, and stronger fuel economy standards are just a few examples. President Obama and Congress should pursue these policies and ban offshore drilling.”
The Friends of the Earth ad mixes audio and video footage of Palin and others chanting simplistic drilling slogans with images of the ongoing disaster in the Gulf and other oil spills. It closes with the reality that “we have better energy solutions” onscreen.
For more information on Friends of the Earth’s response to the Gulf of Mexico disaster, visit /gulf-oil-spill.
The ad can be viewed here: