Friends of the Earth Opposes Iowas Proposed Radioactive Rate Hike
For Immediate Release
April 13, 2011
Matthew Cain, 202-222-0751, [email protected]
Nick Berning, 202-222-0748, [email protected]
Friends of the Earth Opposes Iowa’s Proposed Radioactive Rate Hike
Proposed legislation would allow MidAmerican Energy to increase rates before building new reactors
The watchdog group Friends of the Earth today announced that it is mobilizing its members to oppose bills being considered by the Iowa General Assembly that would allow MidAmerican Energy to raise electric rates in order to pay for new nuclear reactors – and allow MidAmerican to keep the money regardless of whether the new reactors are actually constructed.
“It is bad enough that MidAmerican wants Iowans to face the radioactive risks of a nuclear accident. It is indefensible for MidAmerican to ask Iowans to face the financial risks as well,” said Friends of the Earth President Erich Pica.
Friends of the Earth is concerned about the dangers posed by new reactors and the radioactive waste they would generate and also about how the legislation would allow MidAmerican to stick ratepayers with the bill.
The proposed legislation would allow MidAmerican to raise rates to finance nuclear reactors that have not yet even been licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. If the licensing falls through or the company cancels the project for some other reason, such as cost overruns, ratepayers will not be able to recoup their losses. Even if the project goes ahead, consumers would still be forced to pay in advance for electricity that would not be generated for years.
“Instead of subsidizing expensive nuclear reactor construction, we should be focusing on clean energy alternatives including energy efficiency, and wind and solar power,” Pica said.
Friends of the Earth has been encouraging its members in Iowa to write to their state legislators about the bill. Members of the public can send Iowa legislatures messages via
Friends of the Earth is fighting to defend the environment and create a more healthy and just world.
Our current campaigns focus on promoting clean energy and solutions to climate change, keeping toxic and risky technologies out of the food we eat and products we use, and protecting marine ecosystems and the people who live and work near them.