Rep. Ellison says NO to dirty energy research
WASHINGTON, D.C. — By a vote of 175-246 the House of Representatives rejected an amendment to take money from fossil fuels and use it to reduce the deficit. The amendment by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) to HR 2028, the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, would have cut $45 million from the Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy Research and put the savings towards deficit reduction.
Friends of the Earth Climate and Energy Campaigner Lukas Ross issued the following statement in response:
Today the House of Representatives demonstrated that they are beholden to corporate polluters. There is no conceivable reason to waste our tax dollars researching the fuels driving the climate crisis. Our tax dollars should be spent responsibly and kept as far from polluter pockets as possible. We applaud Rep. Ellison for his commitment to both the environment and responsible spending.
Expert contact: Lukas Ross, (202) 222-0724, [email protected]
Communications contact: Kate Colwell, (202) 222-0744, [email protected]