House takes aim at sage grouse

House takes aim at sage grouse

WASHINGTON, D.C. – By a vote of 269-151 the House of Representatives passed the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, which included a provision to delay Endangered Species Act protection for the greater sage-grouse for at least ten years. The measure would also effectively turn over management of western federal lands — species habitat areas — to the states.

The 114th Congress introduced 34 proposals to cut back endangered species conservation in its first 100 days. This flurry of attacks continues even as recent research shows animal populations are dying off at alarming rates, including the sage grouse population, which declined 56 percent between 2007 and 2013.

Friends of the Earth Climate and Energy Campaigner Kate DeAngelis offers the following statement in response:

This irresponsible provision just adds one more in a long string of attacks on our bedrock environmental laws. This remains the best Congress that corporate polluters like the Koch brothers could buy. It is no surprise that Republican leadership continues to cater to Big Oil and other polluter interests by shoving aside conservation efforts and protections for the air we breathe and the water we drink.


Expert contact: Kate DeAngelis, (202) 222-0747, [email protected]
Communications contact: Kate Colwell, (202) 222-0744, [email protected]

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