Senate tax plan another gift to corporations and billionaires

Senate tax plan another gift to corporations and billionaires

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Republicans are set to release their plan for tax reform this afternoon, according to reports.

Ben Schreiber, Senior Political Strategist at Friends of the Earth, issued the following response:

The Senate tax plan gives tax breaks to corporations and billionaires, which will endanger essential agencies like the EPA by ballooning the deficit. This is a tax plan meant to help Donald Trump, his family, and his billionaire cronies while bilking the American people. By enshrining handouts to Big Oil in the budget, the Senate has made it clear that billionaire corporations are their highest priority. If these tax cuts go through the cost will be clean water and clean air.

Expert contact: Ben Schreiber (202) 222-0752, [email protected]
Communications contact: Erin Jensen (202) 222-0722, [email protected]

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