Sixth round of NAFTA talks stall

Sixth round of NAFTA talks stall

Are NAFTA negotiations on the edge of collapse?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The sixth round of secret talks on a new North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in Washington, D.C., this week appear to have stalled. Donald Trump may be preparing to unilaterally withdraw the United States from NAFTA by executive action in the near future, according to reports from the negotiations. Despite ongoing negotiations, Canada and Mexico appear unlikely to concede to Trump’s demands.

Bill Waren, senior trade analyst at Friends of the Earth, issued the following statement:

Regardless of the outcome of the negotiations, there is no prospect for a NAFTA that puts good environmental and climate policy first. While Canada, Mexico, and the Trump Administration appear to be at loggerheads on many NAFTA issues, they apparently agree on rolling back environmental regulations like food, chemical, and biotechnology safeguards – exactly what global corporations like Monsanto and DuPont want.

NAFTA renegotiation is a no-win situation for people and the planet.

For more information, please see this Friends of the Earth publication: 7 ways Trump’s NAFTA threatens family farmers, animal welfare, our health and the environment.

Expert contact: Bill Waren, (202) 222-0746 [email protected]
Communications contact: Patrick Davis, (202) 222-0744, [email protected]

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