Prevent Diablo Canyon from Extending • Friends of the Earth

Prevent Diablo Canyon from Extending

diablo canyon

Prevent Diablo Canyon from Extending

Open letter to California Legislators: 

Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced a proposal to abandon  the planned retirement of Diablo Canyon Power Plant in 2025, and instead extend the life of the plant for up to 10 years. 

The Diablo Canyon reactors present tremendous and unnecessary risks to public health and the environment. Diablo sits near multiple active earthquake faults, posing an unacceptably high seismic disaster risk. 

Extending the operation of Diablo would violate the PG&E closure agreement established in 2016 and codified by the California legislature and the CPUC in 2018. That agreement is a model for the rest of the country to emulate – demonstrating how phasing out nuclear power plants can help accelerate renewable energy  while providing a just and equitable transition for workers and communities. 

Now Governor Newsom wants to abandon the Diablo Canyon agreement and give PG&E a handout of potentially $1billion – money that could be better spent on the needed renewables transition. To make matters even worse, Newsom is also proposing to suspend important environmental laws to keep the plant open.

Don’t let this happen. The Diablo Canyon Power Plant is a dangerous, destructive, and expensive hangover from an outdated energy production process. It must be retired as planned by 2025.