Resources Archive


Exiting Petrochemicals: A Policy Guide for Financial Institutions

Exiting Petrochemicals: A Policy Guide for Financial Institutions serves as a roadmap for responsibly exiting the sector and remedying harms. 

The Hydrogen Hustle: How the Biden Administration can prevent another fossil fuel subsidy

Led by Big Oil and other polluters, a massive lobbying campaign is underway to ensure that “clean hydrogen” is defined as laxly as possible. The largest single target of this lobbying blitz is the 45V hydrogen tax credit, passed as part of the Inflation Reduction Act and expected to cost taxpayers hundreds of billions over the next decade.

Biogas or Bull****?

Manure biogas is incompatible with the goals of environmental justice and public health.

Agricultural Carbon Markets, Payments, and Data: Big Ag’s Latest Power Grab

A report from Friends of the Earth and Open Markets Institute reveals how this approach will fail to address the climate crisis while enabling the largest agribusiness corporations to entrench their market power and greenwash their operations. 

Hydrogen Hype

Touted as a versatile climate solution for everything from power and heating to transportation and heavy industry, the tiniest element in the universe is suddenly very trendy. But beware the hydrogen hype.

What’s Wrong with Net-Zero by 2050?

"Net-zero” is premised on unjust, inequitable, and scientific processes and assumptions; and 2050 is too late.

FOE USDA Climate Comments

Friends of the Earth U.S., on behalf of 2.8 million members and supporters in the United States, is pleased to present these comments in response to USDA’s Request for Public Comment on the Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.

FOE Opposition to Growing Climate Solutions Act

Why the “Growing Climate Solutions Act” Will Fail Farmers, Harm Frontline Communities, and Exacerbate the Climate Crisis

Renewable Electricity Standard sign-on letter

On behalf of our millions of members and activists nationwide, we, the undersigned 666 organizations—including climate, environmental and energy justice, democracy, faith, Indigenous, and racial justice groups—urge you to pass a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) in the infrastructure package and reject gas and other false climate solutions to address the climate emergency.

Growing Climate Solutions Act Opposition Letter (2)

This legislation aims to build a framework for broad-scale development of carbon markets and to pave the way for a national cap-and-trade program. We oppose these carbon schemes for the reasons discussed below.