Resources Archive


2024 Retailer Scorecard

Without pollinators, grocery shelves would run short of a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables, nuts, and beans.

New Roundup, New Risks

Friends of the Earth’s analysis finds that, on the fiftieth anniversary of its commercialization, Roundup sold to consumers is more toxic than ever before.

2023 Bee-Friendly Supermarket Scorecard

To spur a race to the top, FOE created a retailer scorecard to benchmark 25 of the largest grocery stores on pesticides & pollinator health.

Genetically Engineered Soil Microbes: Risks and Concerns

The release of live genetically engineered microbes in agriculture represents an unprecedented open-air genetic experiment.

Pesticides and Soil Health

This brief summarizes the science on a third critical principle of regenerative agriculture that receives comparatively little attention: minimizing use of pesticides.

Toxic Acres

Since neonicotinoid insecticides were introduced in the 1990s, U.S. agriculture has become 48 times more toxic to insect life, according to a new study in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS One.

Regenerative Agriculture Campaign: Position Paper

We need a massive expansion of diversified, organic and ecologically regenerative farming systems. These are based on practices that draw carbon out of the atmosphere and produce abundant, nutritious food using less energy and water.

Organic for All: Results of the Organic Diet Biomonitoring Study

In this peer-reviewed study, we compared pesticide levels in the bodies of four American families for six days on a non-organic diet and six days on a completely organic diet. We found that an organic diet rapidly and dramatically reduced exposure to pesticides in just one week.

Toxic Secret: Pesticides uncovered in store brand cereal, applesauce, beans and produce

Friends of the Earth and our allies across the country conducted this testing to discover if pesticide residues are present in foods commonly eaten by children and families found at the top four food retailers in the United States: Walmart, Kroger, Costco and Albertsons/Safeway.

Bayer-Monsanto Merger: Big Data, Big Agriculture, Big Problems

If Bayer and Monsanto are allowed to complete their proposed $66 billion merger, the economics of food, farming and the environment will be radically altered. Competition in agriculture will never be the same.