Nanoparticles in baby formula

Nanoparticles in baby formula: Tiny new ingredients are a big concern

Nanoparticles in baby formula: Tiny new ingredients are a big concern

Unbeknownst to the general public, popular infant formulas sold throughout the United States contain infinitesimally small ingredients known as engineered nanoparticles. A growing body of scientific research demonstrates that nanoparticles pose threats to human health, raising concerns about their use in food and many other consumer products.

Friends of the Earth commissioned independent laboratory analysis that found nanoparticles in six infant formulas tested. These ingredients are not labeled and are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

This groundbreaking analysis of nanoparticles in baby formula is meant to inspire greater public scrutiny, industry accountability and government regulation of nanotechnology, particularly in the food sector. 

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