Resources Archive • Page 5 of 69


Biogas or Bull****?

Manure biogas is incompatible with the goals of environmental justice and public health.

Oceans Ports and Environmental Justice Resource Sheet

Port communities are subject to disproportionate health risks due to air pollution from port operations throughout the United States.

FOE Japan letter to House Financial Services Committee

Friends of the Earth Japan expresses grave concerns on IFI financing nuclear power projects because of the reasons listed below.

North Carolina redistricting community of interest

A Community of Interest is a geographic area that shares cultural, historical, or economic interests.

IRC brochure

In North Carolina everyone has gerrymandered at every opportunity, depriving the community (the people) their elected official of choice.

IRC talking points

Talking points for elected officials about the need for an Independent Redistricting Commission in North Carolina.

Methane Madness

If built, the eight pending projects will produce the annual equivalent of 113 coal plants in planet-warming emissions.

EXIM Trafigura Letter

Media reports of criminal investigations of Trafigura by US & Swiss law enforcement authorities have come to light that put into question whether the company should be eligible to continue to receive support from the EXIM.

Why the U.S. Export-Import Bank Must End Financing for Fossil Fuels

After supporting almost no fossil fuel finance in the first two years of the Biden Administration, EXIM has pivoted hard toward fossil fuels.

2023 Redistricting Toolkit

Redistricting is the process in which voting maps are redrawn, following the release of a US Census to account for population changes.