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On International Forests Day, new briefing paper urges banks and financiers to exclude harmful financing that negatively impacts primary and vulnerable secondary forests

The paper, called “Protecting biodiversity from harmful financing: Intact primary and vulnerable secondary forests,” details how banks and financiers are driving forest degradation and deforestation by financing sectors tied to high forest risks.

Anti-ESG Disinformation Network Analysis

Our analysis suggests ESG investing was given an ideologically charged framing from a network of influential, anti-“woke” actors and became yet another climate-related culture war topic leading up to COP27.

NY Tropical Deforestation-Free Procurement Act fact sheet

By passing this bill, New York State would join a movement to tackle the root causes of tropical forest destruction.

Oil and Gas Restrictions under the OECD Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits

This document outlines how the OECD Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits can align with the Paris Agreement warming target of 1.5°C.

Agricultural Carbon Markets, Payments, and Data: Big Ag’s Latest Power Grab

A report from Friends of the Earth and Open Markets Institute reveals how this approach will fail to address the climate crisis while enabling the largest agribusiness corporations to entrench their market power and greenwash their operations. 

Liquefied Natural Cash

A report looking at how methane exports reverse climate progress, harm consumers and endanger communities.

Hydrogen Hype

Touted as a versatile climate solution for everything from power and heating to transportation and heavy industry, the tiniest element in the universe is suddenly very trendy. But beware the hydrogen hype.

NY Tropical Deforestation-Free Procurement Act fact sheet (Spanish)

Fact sheet on NY Deforestation-Free Procurement Act in Spanish