Nafta Archives


Trump’s NAFTA renegotiation is a cynical ploy
Trump’s NAFTA renegotiation is a cynical ploy

Trump’s rhetoric and actions since taking office demonstrate that he is using NAFTA renegotiation to amplify his war on the planet and to expose the American people to dangerous pollution, unsafe products, and catastrophic global warming.

NAFTA renegotiation threatens family farmers and the environment
NAFTA renegotiation threatens family farmers and the environment

A new NAFTA on the TPP model would lead to less regulation of Big Ag’s environmentally harmful factory farming practices resulting in worse air and water pollution, inhumane treatment of animals, deforestation, and massive use of environmentally-hazardous pesticides, chemical fertilizers and fossil fuels.

7 ways Trump’s NAFTA threatens our health, family farmers, animal welfare and the environment
7 ways Trump’s NAFTA threatens our health, family farmers, animal welfare and the environment

Donald Trump’s plan to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement is a threat to efforts to create a sustainable, healthy, equitable and humane food system for all.

For decades, global corporations have pushed for international trade and investment agreements that favor unsustainable, toxic and inhumane industrial agriculture and weaken critical food safety, public health, worker safety and environmental regulations. These trade agreements are eroding public health, worker safety, local economies,…

Bill Waren on Trump’s renegotiation of NAFTA
Bill Waren on Trump’s renegotiation of NAFTA

Trump is the man who scandalized the whole world by pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. He is bringing that same “war on the planet” attitude to negotiating these agreements.

10 ways that Trump’s new NAFTA threatens people and the planet
10 ways that Trump’s new NAFTA threatens people and the planet

When we compare the evils of Trump’s new trade deal against reality of our current economy, the American people should be extremely concerned about the future of our environment.