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- World Bank Out of Climate
World Bank Out of Climate
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Stilt-walking World Bankers with giant hands, outstretched with pieces of coal! Terrified trees and petrified polar bears fleeing in fright. Shouts of “World Bank, climate criminals” reverberate through the cold air. A Polish samba band plays on… Sound interesting? That was the scene of our World before Bank action on the campus of the UNFCCC conference on Tuesday morning.
UNFCCC delegates and the media heard the message loud and clear – World Bank out of climate!
Later that evening, we co-sponsored an official speaking panel (“side event” in UNFCCC parlance), “World before Bank: Civil Society Perspectives on Financial Governance Post-2012.” There were speakers on the panel from every continent except North America – Forum for Environment and Development in Norway, Centre for Environmental Development/Friends of the Earth Cameroon, Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia, and Jubilee South/Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development.
Speaking on behalf of the G77 and China, the lead delegate from the Philippines today summed up our thoughts on the World Bank’s Climate Investment Funds, ”Why put money under the Climate Investment Funds. All this does is to build the capacity of World Bank consultants to travel around the world”. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!
NGOs Oppose World Bank Management of Climate Funds
Environmental Newswire
Real World Radio