Africa stands up for binding targets

Africa stands up for binding targets

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Binding targetsAfrican negotiators at the UN climate talks in Barcelona refused to continue formal discussions about all other issues until wealthy countries live up to their legal and moral responsibility to commit to deep emissions reductions. Developing countries have been driven to this action because rich countries have ground negotiations to a halt by failing to agree to new targets under the Kyoto Protocol. 

In solidarity with these demands, Friends of the Earth International held an action in support of African delegates’ insistence that developed countries commit to new, strong and binding targets. Delegates and observers were invited to join a human shield against the killing of targets in the binding framework of the Kyoto Protocol and were urged to promote at least 40 percent emission reductions with no offsets by 2020.

We need to focus on achieving real and binding cuts in rich countries’ emissions of at least 40 percent by 2020, without getting sidetracked by cons such as carbon offsetting. 

Millions of people are already being affected by climate change impacts such as floods and droughts. Developing countries and communities have historically had practically no fault in the creation of climate change, yet they will be the first to face the devastating impacts of climate change. 

It is not yet clear how negotiations will proceed given this new development, but I’ll send updates just as soon as I have them.

Please click to see more pictures of today’s action.

–Kate Horner

Click here for previous updates from Kate in Barcelona /barcelona-climate-talks-start-best-possible-footing