Why is the World Bank Group financing profitable polluters like Standard Bank and Eni?
The World Bank Group (WBG) plays a massive role in directing global economic development, and has the potential to support climate mitigation and adaptation by strategically using public funds. Unfortunately, it continues to invest in profitable, polluting companies under the guise of green development. Over the past year, the… Read More
How Institutions like the World Bank Group Finance Fossil Fuels
The World Bank Group's mission is to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity on a livable planet. Read More
A Risky Bet: The IMF’s Role in Mozambique’s LNG Development
Serious financial, social, environmental, and climate risks aside, the development of LNG in Mozambique has also been tangled up in a corruption scandal of international scale, and a devastating militarized conflict impacting over a million people. Read More
The hidden flows of finance to fossil fuels: World Bank and IMF edition
The U.S. government has spent more than $44 billion on fossil fuel projects overseas over the last decade. Read More
One Disaster After Another: Will EXIM Chairman Reed Ever Learn?
EXIM continues to invest in projects with severe environmental impacts, human rights abuses, and detrimental effects on local communities and public health. Read More
Why $77 billion a year in public finance for oil, gas, and coal is even worse than it sounds
The headline finding is that from 2016 to 2018 G20 countries provided an average of USD $77 billion a year in public finance for fossil fuels. Read More
Don’t scrap environmentally responsible overseas investment with reckless Senate BUILD Act
It fails to transfer to the new institution OPIC’s existing environmental, social, climate, transparency, worker rights, human rights, indigenous peoples, gender, anti-corruption and accountability policies — putting communities, the environment and the U.S. government at risk. Read More
OECD, It’s Time for Export Credit Agencies to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels
As they gather in the shadow of the UN Climate Conference, ECAs must cease business as usual and finally move in a new and more sustainable direction by ending all support of fossil fuels by 2020 at the latest. Read More
Senators, don’t put Ex-Im Bank’s fossil fuel financing back in business
After providing almost $6 billion annually to fossil fuels from 2013 to 2015, the U.S. export credit agency – the U.S. Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im) – has been unable to finance large fossil fuel projects for the past two years. Read More
G20 countries need to stop using export credit agencies to finance fossil fuel projects
Originally posted on Devex. by Kate DeAngelis, international policy analyst While some world leaders, such as South Korean President Moon Jae-in and French President Emmanuel Macron, have spouted lofty rhetoric about phasing out coal and other forms of dirty energy domestically, their pledges ignore their countries’ contributions to… Read More