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- Joint advocacy efforts on biofuels policy
Joint advocacy efforts on biofuels policy
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Friends of the Earth works to bring together diverse interests opposed to ethanol subsidies. We work with other environmental advocates, organizations that advocate against hunger and poverty, industries whose economic profitability is hurt by increased corn prices (such as the livestock industry or food producers), taxpayer advocates, free-marketeers, and dozens of other types of groups opposed to ethanol subsidies.
Below is a compilation of our joint advocacy efforts over the past few years, divided by topic. We will continue to update this list as our advocacy against ethanol subsidies continues.
Advocacy on the Renewable Fuel Standard:
The Renewable Fuel Standard mandates an increasingly large amount of biofuels be consumed each year, with 36 billion gallons of biofuels mandated annually by the year 2022. Of the 36 billion gallon mandate, at least 15 billion gallons is expected to be filled by corn ethanol. The RFS is a major driver of biofuels production in the U.S. and abroad. Despite the inclusion of some environmental standards, Friends of the Earth opposes the RFS due to the inadequacy of those standards and it’s negative effects on the environment and food prices.
- Letter to Senate Environment and Public Works Committee calling for hearings on the RFS December 2011
- Press Release on Inhofe Bill to reduce RFS mandate May 2011
Comments and Letters to the EPA on RFS Biofuels Pathways:
- Letter from Environmental Groups to Office of Management and Budget on Giant Reed (Arundo donax) October 2012
- Letter to Lisa Jackson and the EPA advocating against palm oil in the RFS June 2012
- Comments from Environmental Groups on EPA’s Palm Oil Notice of Data Availability April 2012
- Comments to the EPA from Environmental Groups on the Pathway Assessments for Biofuels made from Camelina, Napier Grass, Giant Reed, and Corn Stover February 2012
Advocacy on 2012 State RFS Waiver Petitions:
In 2012, amid the worst U.S. drought in 50 years, eight states petitioned EPA to waive the corn ethanol mandate to reduce the pressure on food prices. Friends of the Earth supported this call to waive the mandate based on the severe economic and environmental harm the policy and biofuels are causing worldwide.
Advocacy on Texas Governor’s 2008 RFS Waiver Petition:
In 2008, amid high food prices, the Governor of Texas Rick Perry petitioned EPA requesting that the RFS mandate be reduced in order to reduce the pressure it was causing on food prices. Friends of the Earth supported this call to reduce the mandate based on its impacts on the environment.
- Press Statement on EPA’s decision against waiver petition August 2008
- Letter to the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee from Environmental Groups encouraging the suspension of the Renewable Fuels Standard July 2008
- Comments to EPA from Environmental Groups supporting Waiver of RFS June 2008
- Letter to Rep. Boucher from Environmental Groups on need to reduce RFS mandate May 2008
Pre-Enactment Environmental Concerns on the RFS:
Friends of the Earth was skeptical of the environmental benefit of the 2007 RFS due to the large size of the mandate and its potential impact on the environment.
- Letter to Speaker Pelosi On Concerns about Environmental Impact of RFS from Environmental Groups Oct. 2007
- Press Statement Opposed to Early RFS Bill May 2007
Comments on EPA’s Draft Rule of the RFS:
- Comments from Environmental Groups on EPA’s Draft Rule for RFS September 2009
- Comments from Clean Air Task Force and Friends of the Earth on EPA’s Draft Rule for RFS September 2009
Post-Rule Making Actions and Lawsuit:
- Friends of the Earth and Clean Air Task Force Lawsuit Against EPA on RFS May 2010
- Friends of the Earth Petition for Reconsideration to EPA on RFS May 2010
- Press Release from Friends of the Earth on Lawsuit Against EPA on the RFS May 2010
- Press Release on EPA’s final Rule of the RFS February 2010
EPA Studies on RFS Impact:
- Comments to EPA from Environmental Groups on Environmental Impact Report by EPA, February 2011
- Letter to EPA from Environmental Groups on NAS Study on Economic and Environmental Study Participants, April 2010
Defending Indirect Land Use Change:
The indirect land use changes of biofuels production, or ILUC, refers to the negative unintended environmental consequences of growing biofuel feedstocks. As global demand for biofuels increases, farmers are displacing food crops to grow biofuel feedstocks, and new farms are being built to grow that displaced food. When new farms are started, new land needs to be cleared from grasslands, forests, wilderness, etc. Soils and biomass such as trees and grass store massive amounts of carbon and when they are cleared to start a farm, huge amounts of that carbon is released into the atmosphere. This indirect land use change increases global warming as a result of biofuel production. ILUC should be accounted for when assessing the environmental sustainability of any given biofuel.
- Letter to EU from over 100 international NGOs urging inclusion of ILUC in Renewable Energy Standard April 2012
- Community Factsheet on Need for Science in ILUC June 2009
Letters to Congress Defending ILUC:
- Letter to Senate from Environmental Groups Opposing Klobuchar Bill to Eliminate ILUC July 2010
- Letter to Senate from Environmental Groups Defending ILUC in Appropriations September 2009
- Letter to Senate from Hunger Groups Defending ILUC in Appropriations September 2009
- Letter to Senate from Diverse Coalition Defending ILUC in Appropriations September 2009
- Letter to House of Representatives from Environmental Groups Opposing Biofuels Provisions in Climate Bill June 2009
- Letter Supporting ILUC from Hunger Groups June 2009
- Letter to House of Representatives from Environmental Groups Defending ILUC in Interior Appropriations June 2009
- Letter to House Appropriations from Environmental Groups Committee Supporting ILUC June 2009
- Letter to House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee from Environmental Groups Supporting ILUC May 2009
Pre-Rule Making Letters to EPA Supporting ILUC:
- Letter to EPA from Environmental Group CEOs Supporting ILUC March 2009
- Letter to EPA from Environmental Groups Supporting ILUC March 2009
- Letter to EPA from Environmental Groups Supporting ILUC November 2008
- Letter to EPA from Scientists Supporting ILUC November 2008
- Letter to EPA from Environmental Groups Supporting ILUC October 2008
Defending Biomass Sourcing Safeguards in the RFS:
Letters to support biomass sourcing safeguards and opposing attempts to strip ecosystem protections:
- Letter to Senate from Environmental Groups Opposing Baucus, Tester and Thune Bill to Strip Ecosystem Safeguards May 2010
- Letter to House Appropriations Committee from Environmental Groups Opposing Ross Amendment to Strip Ecosystem Safeguards May 2009
- Letter to Senate from Environmental Groups Opposing Thune Bill to Strip Ecosystem Safeguards March 2008
- Letter to House of Representatives from Environmental Groups Opposing Herseth-Sandlin Bill to Strip Ecosystem Safeguards March 2009
- Friends of the Earth Statement Opposing Herseth-Sandlin Billto Strip Ecosystem Safeguards February 2008
- Letter to Congress from Environmental Groups Supporting Forest Safeguards February 2008
Advocacy work to end to the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit:
The VEETC was a $6 billion/year subsidy for corn ethanol that went primarily to the oil industry for blending ethanol into gasoline, as mandated by the Renewable Fuel Standard. After years of joint advocacy, Congress allowed VEETC to expire on December 31st, 2011.
Letters on VEETC:
- Letter from Coalition to Congressional Leadership to end subsidies for ethanol November 2011
- Letter from Coalition to Ways and Means to Allow VEETC to expire September 2011
- Letter from Coalition to Representatives Supporting Herger-Crowley Bill to End VEETC June 2011
- Letter from Coalition to Senate Supporting Feinstein Amendment to EDA to End VEETC June 2011
- Letter from Coalition to Senate Supporting Coburn Amendment to EDA to End VEETC, June 2011
- Letter from Coalition to Senate Supporting Coburn-Feinstein Bill to End VEETC May 2011
- Letter from Environmental Groups to Senate Supporting Coburn-Cardin Bill to End VEETC March 2011
- Letter from Environmental Groups to House Supporting End of VEETC March 2011
- Letter from Coalition to Representatives Supporting Womack-Goodlatte Bill to End VEETC March 2011
- Letter from Coalition to Representatives Supporting Lance-Blumenauer Bill to End VEETC March 2011
- Letter from Coalition to Senate Supporting Coburn-Cardin Bill to End VEETC March 2011
- Letter from 90 Diverse Groups to Congressional Leaders Opposing VEETC March 2011
- Letter from 60 Diverse Groups to Congressional Leaders Opposing VEETC November 2010
- Letter from Green Scissors CEOs to Senate Opposing VEETC November 2010
- Letter from Green Scissors CEOs to House Opposing VEETC November 2010
- Letter from Hunger Groups to Senate Finance Committee Opposing VEETC July 2010
- Letter from Hunger Groups to House Ways and Means Committee Opposing VEETC July 2010
- Letter from Environmental Groups to Senate Finance Committee Opposing VEETC April 2010
- Letter from Environmental Groups to House Ways and Means Committee Opposing VEETC April 2010
- Letter from Environmental Groups to Senate on Biodiesel Tax Credit December 2009
- Letter from Environmental Groups to Obama Transition Team Opposing VEETC November 2008
- Letter from Environmental Groups to Senators Opposing VEETC September 2008
Press Statements about VEETC:
- Friends of the Earth press statement on expiration of VEETC December 2011
- Coalition Press Statement on Feinstein-Klobuchar-Thune Deal July 2011
- Friends of the Earth Statement on Senate Vote to End Ethanol Subsidies June 2011
- Coalition Statement Supporting Coburn-Feinstein Bill to End Ethanol Subsidies May 2011
- Coalition Statement Supporting Coburn-Cardin Bill to End Ethanol Subsidies March 2011
- Friends of the Earth Statement on Extension of VEETC December 2010
- Friends of the Earth Statement on Grassley Floor Speech Supporting VEETC December 2010
- Coalition Press Statement Opposing Pomeroy Bill to Extend VEETC March 2010
Advocacy on halting federal funding for ethanol infrastructure:
Corn ethanol is more corrosive and explosive than regular gasoline, and thus requires it’s own infrastructure, including storage tanks, pipelines, and blender pumps at gas stations, for its dissemination. Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to foot the bill for corn ethanol’s polluting fuel or it’s expensive, wasteful infrastructure.
- Letter Supporting McCain Amendment to Agriculture Appropriations to End Ethanol Fueling Equipment Funding October 2011
- Letter Supporting McCain Amendment to EDA to End Ethanol Fueling Equipment Funding June 2011
- Letter Supporting Flake Amendment to End Ethanol Fueling Equipment Funding June 2011
Advocacy against increased amounts of ethanol in gasoline (the blend wall):
The EPA has to register each individual blend of ethanol and gasoline as a separate transportation fuel. Currently, the most widely-used ethanol/gasoline blend is E10, a blend of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline. Friends of the Earth wants to keep the blend wall (or rather, the percentage of ethanol in each gallon of gasoline) as low as possible, to limit the market for dirty corn ethanol and thus limit its negative environmental and social consequences.
Letters on the blend wall:
- Letter from Consumer Groups to House Energy and Commerce Committee Opposing Bill to Ease Transition to E15 April 2012
- Letter from Environmental Groups to House Energy and Commerce Committee Opposing Bill to Ease Transition to E15 April 2012
- Letter from Coalition to House Energy and Commerce Committee Opposing bill to Ease Transition to E15 April 2012
- Letter to House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Supporting Sensenbrenner Bill to Require EPA to assess environmental and economic Effects of E15 before registering E15 February 2012
- Letter to House from Environmental Groups Supporting Sullivan-Peters Amendment to Appropriations Bill to Block E-15 July 2011
- Letter to House from Coalition Supporting Sullivan Amendment to Appropriations Bill to Block E-15 March 2011
- Letter to House from Environmental Working Group and Friends of the Earth in Support of Sullivan Amendment to Block E-15 March 2011
- Letter to EPA from Coalition Opposing E-15 ahead of EPA Decision on Increasing Blend Wall March 2010
- Letter to Senate from Coalition Supporting Collins-Cardin Bill to Ensure Science Used in Blend Level Increase October 2009
- Letter to EPA from Coalition Opposing Increase in Ethanol Blend Level July 2009
- Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee Opposing Increase in Ethanol Blend Level July 2009
Press Statements on the blend wall:
- Friends of the Earth Statement on Court Ruling on E15 Waivers August 2012
- Friends of the Earth Statement on Bill to Ease Transition to E15 March 2012
- Friends of the Earth Statement on EPA’s Approval of E15 January 2011
- Friends of the Earth Statement on EPA’s Move to Increase Blend Level to 15 percent October 2010
Comments on industry waiver petition:
Biomass Emissions Accounting and Sourcing Safeguards:
Biomass Principles:
Letters and Comments on Biomass:
- Joint Environmental Community Comments to the Massachusetts Dept of Energy Resources on its Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards June 2012
- Environmental Community Comments to the EPA on the Proposed and Direct Final Rules for Biofuels Pathways for Camelina, Napier Grass, Giant Reed, and others for the RFS2 February 2012
- Environmental Community Comments to the EPA on it’s Accounting Framework for Biogenic CO2 Emissions from Stationary Sources September 2011
- Letter to EPA from Environmental Groups on Study Participants for Biomass Emissions Accounting July 2011
- Letter to EPA from Environmental Groups Supporting Accounting of Biomass Emissions in Tailoring Rule July 2010
- Letter to Senate from Environmental Groups Supporting Accounting of Biomass Emissions July 2010
- Letter from 240 Environmental Groups Opposing Dirty Energy Sources in a Clean Energy Standard March 2011
- Letter to EPA from Environmental Groups Supporting Accounting of Biomass Emissions in Tailoring Rule July 2010
- Letter to Senate from Environmental Groups Supporting Accounting of Biomass Emissions July 2010
- Letter to Senators from Environmental Groups on Biomass Sourcing Safeguards April 2010
- Letter Thanking Rep. Markey and Rep Waxman from Environmental Groups on Biomass Sourcing Safeguards April 2009
- Letter to Congress Opposing Biomass in a Renewable Energy Standard April 2009