Donor Profiles: “We Are All Related” • Friends of the Earth

Donor Profiles: “We Are All Related”

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Friends of the Earth supporter Dixie Mullineaux lives her life following the Lakota Indian phrase “mitakuye oyasin”, which means “we are all related.” For Dixie, her connection to the environment — and all things in it — is one she holds sacred. 

Dixie Mullineaux

“I give back to organizations that support the things that keep me alive – plants, animals, soil, water and air,” shared Dixie. “It’s a reciprocal relationship.”

Saving the Honeybees

Dixie has supported Friends of the Earth and our work over the years, and she has recently included us in her estate plans. “I appreciate the broad scope of issues Friends of the Earth addresses, especially the campaign to save the honeybees.”

While living in Maryland, Dixie worked on the honeybee campaign, specifically helping influence the legislation to keep neonicotinois out of the hands of consumers and to require plants to be labeled as “bee friendly.”

“As a beekeeper who has struggled with high losses in the last few years, this is a subject that is close to my heart. Friends of the Earth is at the forefront of other organizations in facilitating change,” said Dixie. 

A Critical Time

Dixie encourages others who value the work of Friends of the Earth to consider making a current or future gift. “In the current political situation, it is crucial for all of us who cherish the natural world to come forward and show our support, in whatever way we can. I believe Friends of the Earth is a worthy place to give my financial resources.”