Blog • Climate Action & Environmental Protection


Bunge’s Silent Conquest and the Corporate Climate Con

The agribusiness giant Bunge is engaging in an egregious corporate climate con – and shareholders should take note. Read More

What is Blackwater?

Blackwater is another name for sewage, the wastewater that is released into the oceans full of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Read More

Can Cruise Ships Dump Garbage in the Ocean?

Cruise ships dump garbage in the ocean, explore types of waste and pollution that are released, conclude with a few other environmental impacts of cruises Read More

Are Cruise Ships Environmentally Friendly?

‘Is cruising environmentally friendly?’ is a very common question. Sadly, as fun as they seem, cruises pollute the water, air, and local communities. Cruise ships are not environmentally friendly. Read More

What is Gray Water?

Gray water is a type of waste water from cruise ship’s showers, bath and sinks. Learn more about the dangers it poses to the planet. Read More

Cruise Ship Water Pollution

Cruise ships generate billions of gallons of waste that is pumped into our oceans. See all the ways they pollute our waters. Read More

Celebrate the Earth, but don’t believe the corporate hype

Earth Day continues to be a moment when people come together to pick up trash, to learn and teach, and to take a moment to reflect. It is also a day when corporate America loves to broadcast its social responsibility and to spend public relations budgets on ever-increasing forays into greenwashing. Read More

Donor Profiles: Sophia Harris of the Aall Foundation

Sophia Harris, one of the directors of the Aall Foundation, discovered Friends of the Earth after a personal experience involving pollinators on the Cayman Islands. Read More

Latest IPCC Reports Underscore Threat of Climate Disinformation

The only path to progress is to do the reverse: unite and demand social media companies disclose their data and be held accountable for their role in perpetuating this existential threat. Read More

Procter & Gamble Sources Suffering from Indonesia’s Forests

A report released by Friends of the Earth US and WALHI finds that Astro Agro Lestari are caught up in land conflicts with local communities, and are responsible for environmental and human rights abuses. Read More