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Each year, the federal government gives away more than $10 billion in tax breaks to oil and gas companies. These polluting industries are already raking in record profits — it’s an outrageous waste of taxpayer dollars to pay them for damaging our environment.
Join the Friends of the Earth online community and keep us up to date on what you’re doing to stop taxpayer handouts to Big Oil.
The fight to end oil and gas subsidies is part of our Earth Budget Campaign. To learn more about our push for budget solutions that prioritize people over polluters, visit our Earth Budget Campaign page.
Take action: sign our petition to tell Congress to prioritize people and the environment by ending all tax breaks for oil and gas companies.
To download the booklet: click the “Download the Action Toolkit” button and save to your desktop. You will need Adobe Reader to open the PDF.
To print out the booklet: in the print preview, go to the finishing tab. Select to print “double-sided” and also check the box to “flip pages up.” The booklet has instructions on how to fold it.