News Archive • Page 4 of 257


Friends of the Earth Responds to Lack of Climate Accountability in Senator Chuck Schumer’s AI “Roadmap”

Senator Schumer is slow-walking regulations, giving Silicon Valley a free pass to put profits over people and the planet. Read More

Friends of the Earth Welcomes Promising New World Bank Blueprint for Addressing Health and Environmental Impacts of Big Meat and Dairy, Issues Urgent Call for Action

Today, the World Bank released a new comprehensive blueprint for addressing the giant climate footprint of our industrial food system. Read More

FTC’s Price Gouging Allegations Against War Profiteer a Wake-up Call to End Merger Mania

Explosive new findings from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reveal that ex-Pioneer CEO Scott Sheffield colluded with the OPEC+ price-fixing cartel. Read More

Friends of the Earth Celebrates Expansions for Berryessa Snow Mountain and San Gabriel Mountains National Monuments

We urge the BLM and USFS to effectively implement this expansion for the sake of our protecting our public lands and natural resources. Read More

Friends of the Earth Statement on House Republican and Senate Democrat Farm Bill Proposals

After months of delay, House Republicans and Senate Democrats unveiled dueling Farm Bill priorities today. Read More

Friends of the Earth Celebrates Final Federal Rule Revamping NEPA, Environmental Protections

We commend CEQ for taking long-overdue actions to strengthen and restore NEPA, our nation’s most crucial environmental protection law. Read More

Environmental groups consider seeking rehearing in Diablo Canyon litigation

Today's decision ignores the significant environmental and public health risks associated with extending Diablo Canyon’s tenure beyond the expiration of its operating licenses. Read More

Friends of the Earth Applauds Improvements to USDA’s School Meal Nutrition Standards

Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture published a Final Rule updating nutrition standards for child nutrition programs, including school lunch and breakfast. Read More

Hundreds Gather for World Bank/IMF Action Day to Say: For People, For Planet – Decarbonize, Decolonize!

On the 80th anniversary of the Bretton Woods Institutions, hundreds rallied and marched to demand the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund make deep changes to their business as usual in the name of climate, human rights, and economic and global justice. Read More

Biden Announces Final Conservation Rule to Protect Millions of Acres of Ecologically Important Lands in America’s Arctic

Today, the Biden administration released a final conservation rule to protect vital landscapes in America’s Arctic. This announcement will provide stronger protections for Special Areas within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska – a welcome and critical step toward recognizing the importance of Alaska’s public lands and waters for protecting communities, biodiversity, and the future of our global climate. Read More