Blog • Climate Action & Environmental Protection


It’s time for Kroger to do better by the bees.

Have you ever walked into your favorite grocery store only to see some of your favorite foods missing in the produce section? Unfortunately, this could become commonplace if we don’t end the use of toxic pesticides in our food system. Read More

Monarch Butterfly Endangered

In July 2022 monarch butterflies were classified as endangered. This iconic insect is teetering on the brink, but you can help. Find out how. Read More

Ports Need to Take Advantage of Inflation and Infrastructure Funding

Ports serve as crucial nodes in the global trade network. Transportation is the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Although medium- and heavy-duty trucks used at ports and along freight corridors account for about only… Read More

Advocacy steps for plant-based school food

We launched a campaign to increase the number of plant-based meals offered in our cafeteria and raise awareness about the benefits of plant-based eating to improve our climate impact. Read More

Climate-friendly and culturally relevant food to the school cafeteria: Lessons from a student advocate

As a high schooler, I decided to break free from “business as usual” school food with the help of my school’s cafeteria and nutrition staff. Read More

How I got my school district to combat climate change by changing what we eat

Student involvement on the local level in one’s own school district inspires and drives the change needed throughout our country. Read More

The campaign to end public financing of industrial livestock operations

Our goal in engaging IFC is to encourage the bank to shift its agricultural lending toward diversified and climate-resilient food systems. Read More

Southeastern Grocers is 12th grocery retailer to create pollinator policy

This month, Southeastern Grocers became the twelfth major U.S. grocery retailer to create a pollinator health policy in response to Friends of the Earth’s Bee-Friendly Retailer Scorecard. The new policy states that the company will work with suppliers of fresh produce… Read More

The Climate & Agriculture provisions of the IRA

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is many things at once. The good and the bad all need to be considered together. Read More

Reasons You Shouldn’t Take a Cruise

Explore the top eight reasons you shouldn’t take a cruise. Pollution, crime, environmental effects, and viruses all included. Read More