Genetic Engineering
Friends of the Earth works to transform public policy to establish appropriate safety assessment and oversight of GMO crops and animals, and we lead campaigns to keep poorly regulated GMOs out of our food system. We advance regenerative organic and agroecological farming systems that are inherently healthier and that pose fewer risks for people, pollinators, animals and the planet.
Learn about GMO science.
Following decades of controversy, widespread market rejection and legal and regulatory challenges, U.S.-based biotechnology and aquaculture company AquaBounty Technologies announced it will stop production of all genetically engineered salmon.
Friends of the Earth U.S. submitted a brief describing significant new science on health risks of genetically engineered corn, which the U.S. failed to consider as part of its trade dispute with Mexico.
Amigos de la Tierra EE.UU. (FOE, por sus siglas en inglés) presentó un escrito describiendo nuevos datos científicos significativos sobre los riesgos para la salud del maíz transgénico que EE.UU.
Our advocacy made it crystal clear: People do not want to eat GE salmon and there is no place for this or other GE animals on the market.
The judge said it best — science shows that GE technology is harmful. Thanks to this court case, the basic oversight needed to protect us has been restored.
Thanks to pressure from Friends of the Earth and thousands of our members who highlighted the many sustainability and health concerns surrounding genetically engineered salmon and the lack of consumer demand, 80 food retailers have made commitments to not sell GE salmon, including Walmart, Costco, Albertson’s, Kroger, Trader Joe’s and…
Instead of altering the animal, we need to fix the farm. Instead of creating GMO pigs that are resistant to diseases, we should focus on the root cause of the problem: industrial agriculture and horrendous factory farm conditions.
Why do we need genetically engineered proteins when many other safe, sustainable and healthy non-GMO or organic plant-based meat and dairy replacements, and other plant proteins, are available and growing in popularity?
Because of its promise for rural America, organic agriculture has growing support from both Democrats and Republicans in Congress. So why is there language in the Farm Bill that would weaken the organic standards?
Gene-edited organisms in agriculture: Risks and unexpected consequences
From Lab to Fork
A Shopper’s Guide to Synthetic Biology
U.S. – Mexico GMO corn dispute resources
Genetically Engineered Soil Microbes: Risks and Concerns
Di no a los mosquitos transgénicos en tu comunidad